• New Grit Bin For Hoveton

    Following representations from local residents last year, Hoveton Parish Council has now successfully lobbied for, and funded the purchase of, an additional grit bin for our village. The new bin will be sited on Grange Close (on the grass area to the right of the entrance to Grange Close), and local residents are welcome and encouraged to help themselves to grit from this bin in order to treat nearby footpaths in cold and icy weather.

  • A Letter From Our Chairman

    Dear Residents,

    At its meeting in January, Hoveton Parish Council adopted a new policy to deal with vexatious or disruptive behaviour by members of the public towards councillors or council employees. It was a step that we took with heavy hearts, but sadly, over the last two years, a disproportionate amount of our time, the time of other public bodies, and your money has been spent responding to the correspondence and actions of a very small group of individuals in our village.

    HPC is completely open and transparent in the way that we operate and we are subject to annual audit with regard to our conduct as a council; we are open to and expect fair criticism; we welcome challenge and honest debate. Despite this, residents might be shocked to learn that all of the following things have happened in our village over just the last two years, all originating from this small group of just a handful of individuals:


  • Police Community Engagement Surgery

    Just a reminder that Hoveton’s Beat Manager, PC Tom Gibbs, will be opening Hoveton Police Station to the public on Friday 18th January, from 3pm to 4pm, for a community engagement surgery. This is a wonderful opportunity for local residents to speak to PC Gibbs directly about any issues or concerns they might have, so please pop along if you can!

  • Norfolk Local Access Forum

    Local residents may be interested to hear that the Norfolk Local Access Forum is currently seeking new members. The Forum, which provides independent advice to a number of organisations on improving access to land in Norfolk, is comprised of up to 22 people covering a range of interests in countryside access in Norfolk, including walking; cycling; horse riding; landowners; and conservation. The Forum is looking for enthusiastic and proactive people with a passion for the outdoors and with good communication skills to fill five vacancies. In particular, the Forum is keen to find new members from the following interest areas: landowners and managers, younger people (or those who can represent young people), equestrians and local business/tourism. Further information can be found at www.norfolk.gov.uk/nlaf. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] or contact 0344 800 8020. The closing date for applications is 31st January 2019.

  • Heater Loan Scheme

    As winter sets in, we’d like to remind local residents that Hoveton Parish Council is part of North Norfolk District Council’s heater loan scheme, and Cllrs Peter and Alex Howe have a halogen heater which can be made available to anyone in the village who is experiencing a short term problem in times of heating emergency or particularly cold weather. There is no charge for the loan, though the resident would need to be in a position to pay for the likely increase in their electricity consumption (however, the heater is the most energy efficient halogen heater on the market). The heater is electric, so it isn’t appropriate for use during a power cut, but it is light and portable. For further information, please contact Cllrs Peter or Alex Howe on 01603 783 096 or 07702 607 130.

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