Brook Park Update

Hoveton Parish Council and District Councillor Nigel Dixon held an on-site meeting with the developer Persimmon on Friday, to discuss outstanding matters relating to the Brook Park development and to emphasise the disappointment of the Council and of residents of this development concerning the lack of progress made. The meeting addressed a long list of varied issues and the Parish Council made clear the need to have these issues addressed quickly and completely by Persimmon.

Hoveton Parish Council has been informed that the children’s play area at Brook Park is expected to be open for the school summer holidays. It will initially be fenced off via the repositioning of the temporary Heras fencing, with an access gate. Permanent fencing and an access gate is expected to be installed after the holidays. The fencing around the rest of the public open space will be removed shortly to open this space for public use. We hope to be able to publish a full list of Persimmon’s agreed actions shortly, and the Parish Council will meet with Persimmon again in early September to discuss progress made.

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